UNFPA created the Career Guide for UNFPA Staff Members to provide career guidance and advice for staff and managers at UNFPA—and beyond. The Guide provides information, tips, and resources to help you think about a wide range of career management and career development topics. The authors also incorporated the insights of a number of UNFPA colleagues, who were asked to share their career wisdom and best practice. - See more at:
UNFPA created the Career Guide for UNFPA Staff Members to provide career guidance and advice for staff and managers at UNFPA—and beyond. The Guide provides information, tips, and resources to help you think about a wide range of career management and career development topics. The authors also incorporated the insights of a number of UNFPA colleagues, who were asked to share their career wisdom and best practice. - See more at:
 UNFPA created the Career Guide for UNFPA Staff Members to provide career guidance and advice for staff and managers at UNFPA—and beyond. The Guide provides information, tips, and resources to help you think about a wide range of career management and career development topics. The authors also incorporated the insights of a number of UNFPA colleagues, who were asked to share their career wisdom and best practice. -
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