QR Code in Google Sheets


1. It's simple, just to use =IMAGE() function.

For example, the following formula be generated QR Code which the value (text) of cell B2.


2. To save it, there is no built-in function.

3. The custom function is created in the example file.

4. Make a copy

5. Save the example file in your 'My Drive'

6. Create the folder named "SaveQR" under your 'My Drive' (you can use other name and add the name in the cell D2.

7. Add your required file name in the cell E2.

8. Click PSS QR Code (custom menu) in the Menu and click 'Save QR'

9. Authorization accepted.

10. Click PSS QR Code (custom menu) in the Menu and click 'Save QR' second time.

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